We are updating our booking and guest services platform!

We are so excited to make the move to our new booking platform Momence! The easy navigation and new features will make booking your classes and purchasing our products seamless! We know that changes can be daunting but we want to assure you it’s a simple transition.

All of your account information including your payment information has been securely moved over to our new booking platform. If you already had a Cadence Mindbody account, there is no need to create a new account in Momence. All of your bookings will also be moved.

To access your new Cadence Momence account CLICK HERE to reset your password using the email you would normally access your Mindbody account through.

Click Here to download the Apple App.
Click Here to download the Android App.

Click Here for a guided tour on how to sign up for a class, access your account and much more!


  • Register for classes up to 2 weeks in advance via our website or the Momence app

  • Cancellations/no-shows: cancel without penalty up to 12 hours prior to class


  • No more waitlist confirmation: If you receive an email/text communication that you have been added to class from the waitlist, it is expected that you will either attend that class or cancel yourself from it. If you are added to class within the 12 hours cancellation window, contact the studio via email or phone and we will cancel you from the class without penalty.

  • You MUST have a valid payment option (i.e. membership, class package, credit card, etc.) in order to be successfully added to class from the waitlist. If no payment option is available on your account, the spot will go to the next client on the waitlist.

  • MONTH-to-MONTH: additional classes added to your next scheduled payment and charged to the card on file


Access your account - Click here to learn more about how to reset your password and access your Cadence Momence Account

Register for a class - Click here to learn more about how to register for a class

YOGA CLUB for Kids

Yoga Club is lead by Brittany, a registered ECE and yoga instructor. Our YOGA CLUB is an introductory program where children will learn traditional yoga poses, lose themselves in story and play, and learn important tools in social-emotional learning and self-regulation. Learning important foundational skills, children will be engaged in creative ways to further develop their fine and gross motor skills, spend time in creative imagination, and learn breathing techniques and mindfulness to help them in daily life. 


8 Weeks Starting Saturday January 8th to Saturday February 26th

Time: 11:45am - 1pm

Cost $220 + tax (8 spots available)

Ages 3-5 (must be potty trained)

Family to provide a small snack Snacks should be something small and easy to eat with minimal clean-up. No nuts please.)

1 parent will receive 1 spot per week in our noon class if they would like to take it


11:45-11:50/12 Arrival/Colouring

12:00-12:25 Warm-up, Games, Yoga

12:25-12:40 Snack

12:40-12:55 Story

12:55 Get ready for home

To register, please click the link below. This will take you to our online store. From the drop down labeled “What kind of pass would you like to purchase”, please select WORKSHOP. Additional details on health & wellness protocols, and waivers will be sent out the week before the program begins.

Reopen, restart, refocus.

We will officially be having our soft opening on July 3rd!

Although we have grown to adore our Outdoor Classes, we are happy to share that Indoor Cycle Classes will be back in business! Masks will be required to be worn before and after your class. This will be mandatory until further notice. They will not be required once you are at your bike or on your mat.

We know it will take some time for all of us to get back into a routine and adapt to our new space and protocols. Here are some updates we know will be the pillars to a successful reopening:

  • Mask Policy: Masks will be mandatory before and after class, while moving through the studio. They will not be required once you are at your bike or on your mat.

  • Pricing: A new studio, with more services and amenities, comes with a price! It has been a hard year for everyone, and a small increase to your Monthly Membership will be a big help to keep the roof over our heads. Thank you in advance for your understanding!

    Here’s the breakdown.

    Increases beginning July 3rd:

    Intro Month: $120
    Month-to-month Flex 4: $175
    Month-to-month Flex 6: $220

We will continue to offer a Complimentary First Class: Free! (tell your friends!)
There will be no change to Punch cards/ Single Drop In pricing at this time

**Current Monthly Membership holders, will have grandfathered pricing until October 1st**

  • 10 Year Anniversary: Yes, July 5th we are “softly” opening... but we are planning a big Grand Opening for our Birthday! Stay tuned for fun Local Business collaborations, and don’t-want-to-miss giveaways! If you don’t have an Instagram account yet, we highly recommend signing up ;)

  • Book Your Spot: As of July 5th, we will be opening up the booking window to 2 weeks in advance!

So, what’s going on until then? 

Outdoor Cycle classes will continue, as well as our Indoor Movement Classes, for the next few weeks. The booking window will remain as One Week in advance - make sure you snag your spot; they fill up quickly! 

We can’t thank you enough for your support, patience, and excitement to move with us again. Pedalling one foot in front of the other, we’ll be seeing you soon. 


Same Cadence New Look


March 17th, 2020 - do you remember this day like we do? Everything closed and everything changed. Closing our doors was one of the hardest things we have ever had to do. We knew that the priority was to stay connected in new and creative ways. Online interactions became the new normal; daily classes turned into instagram lives, mini movement challenges, and takeover tuesdays. Our optimism grew as we set up our Virtual Classes and we were able to connect with you again through Cycle and Movement. When we eventually got the go ahead for in-person classes at a smaller capacity, we were once again quick to jump on the opportunity to adapt. The months of riding with you from 6ft apart, were just the energy and positivity boost we needed to keep propelling forward.

Since restrictions on Group Fitness came into effect through the winter, we have been playing the sitting, waiting, and wishing game. It hasn’t been easy, but between applying for grants, loans, and subsidies, as well as the ongoing support from our community, we have been able to stay afloat. We choose to keep our focus on all of the positive things we still are able to do, now and in the future. 

The main event of these past few months has been the move to our new studio, and it already feels like home. In addition to the move, we have been in the process of rebranding behind the scenes! This rebrand goes hand in hand with our move, as we have refreshed our intentions behind what we believe Cadence is all about (there’s so much more to share!). As much as we wanted to reveal our new logo to you in person, we know that things are constantly changing, and we just couldn't wait any longer! After all, we could all use some excitement...


The intention behind our rebrand grew from our core values and vision of what makes Cadence, Cadence. With the help from members of our community and collaborations with creators, our vision has come to life. The new colour palette plays off the beautiful mural across the street along the greenway, and reflects the energy of our neighbourhood. Strong, bold, gentle, and specific colours have been chosen to be the foundation of the shapes that we believe represent who we are: Community. Wellness. Cycle. Movement. 

We are so excited about all of the changes and new beginnings, and we cannot wait to fully embrace them with you! We are continuing to offer Virtual Classes, Open Gym, Private Rides, and Personal Training. Our new found love is outdoor classes, and if you would like to be added to our email list to know when we will be hosting them, you can sign up below! 

Thank you, as always, for your continued support. We wouldn't be where we are today without you.

The Entire Cadence Team xo


Sneak Peeks & Holiday Greetings

Happy Holidays From Our Cadence Family To Yours!

We can hardly believe that it’s almost the end of December and 2020 is coming to a close! This means we are that much closer to the big move into our new space. Our goal is to be operational by the last week of January! To say we are excited is an understatement, and we hope you feel the same way, too! It is apparent that as we head into the New Year, there are unknowns about when our Group Cycling classes will resume. While we navigate these restrictions, there are a few things that we can look forward to!

In Studio Movement Classes

We are excited to share that we will be able to resume In-Person Movement classes once we have settled into our new studio! All of the classes that you know and love will be back on the schedule: Foundations, Strengthen & Stretch, Fusion, R&R, and Eldoa. Familiar movement instructors Pauline, Olivia K, and Zoe will be back in action to lead these classes! Stayed tuned for future updates as we expand our movement team!


We’ve Added A New Strength And Functional Movement Class

In addition to all of the classes you have already become well acquainted with, we are thrilled to officially add the Strength class lead by our newest team members, Megan and Hannah! A well designed progressive class open to all levels of fitness focusing on strength as you open up to develop mobility, stability to protect your joints, and working through functional patterns using medicine balls, kettlebells, and your own body weight!

We are excited to share a sneak peek of our new strength class with you. Click the links below to meet Hannah & Meg and to go through our first video Activation & Mobility (warmup) and the second video with the workout. Join from home using whatever weights, cans of soup, wine bottles or water jugs you have on hand. We can’t wait to bring this class to you in our new studio!




This year has undoubtedly looked different, but one thing remains the same: Our Community. Without your continued support, we wouldn’t be where we are today! So, first and foremost, thank YOU!

With all of the obstacles and adjustments we have overcome since our reopening back in June, we know that things are always changing. And there is more change to come!



Projected for January 2021, our beloved Cadence home is moving down the street! We have been working hard on new and exciting things for our new (and much bigger!) space. Think movement, nutrition, health, and wellness - all of the things we care about and devote our time to already, but much, much bigger! 

We are so excited for this new chapter that we get to create with you. We can’t wait to share more!


While our studio remains temporarily closed for group classes, we still have lots of ways to help you keep your body moving. Check out our virtual and in studio options below!


Closed Until Further Notice

In light of the new orders announced today by the Provincial Healthcare Officer, as of November 7th at 10:00pm, we will be cancelling all in-studio classes until further notice. 

When we reopened in July, we created a Health and Safety plan which exceeded the guidelines outlined by BC Healthcare. As directed in today’s announcement, we have submitted this plan to the Regional Medical Health Officer for review and approval, at which time we will be authorized to reopen. 

We will continue to run a modified live stream schedule from Tuesday onward, and as we receive more information, we will update you on both social media and through our website.

Thank you for your continued support during this challenging time.

Fall Indoor Power Camp - Cadence x Kits Energy

With fall around the corner, we’ve thought about how we can support those of you who have built up your outdoor cycling fitness inside. So, we’ve partnered up with Kits Energy to host a power camp starting Wednesday October 7th!

This 12-week program is designed to help you build your cycling fitness and to educate you on power/watts. Whether you are an experienced cyclist or just getting started, this camp is for you! It’s accessible for all levels of fitness.

There are only a few spaces left for in studio participation, so grab a spot if you want the in-person magic. But this camp will also be live streamed and recorded, with virtual passes available for purchase, too!


  • Every Wednesday from October 7th to December 23rd.

  • 6:30pm for In Studio and Virtual participation.

  • All classes will be recorded and uploaded to our video library within 72 hours of the live class. Recorded classes will be available for the full duration of the camp, participate in recorded classes as often and as many times as you would like.

  • Fees -
    $300 + tax In Person
    $200 + tax Virtual

  • Classes will be taught by Gregg Ambrosi (Cadence instructor and Kits Energy coach), with special appearances by Kits Energy coaches Kristina and Facundo.

  • Missed in person class credits can be used to sign up for any other Cadence class, just make sure your cancel within our 12 hour cancellation policy.